Speaker Information
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My mission is to coach passionate individuals in achieving their specific goals in life. I use an integrative, research-backed and collaborative approach where hypnotherapy, hypnosis, mind-body therapies, neuro-linguistic programming, and professional coaching skills are employed. I observe language, conscious and subconscious thought patterns, and past experiences to determine how the client can make a desirable, sustainable transformation and achieve a higher level of personal and professional happiness.
Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor
Brain Longevity Specialist
Mental Fitness Coach
Body-Mind Therapist
Founder of Eliminate Pain Naturally
Developer of the New Neural Pathway Protocol
Speaker bio
Podcast features
JB is currently being featured on many podcasts. Check back here to see highlights, and listen on Apple Podcasts.
BS in Biology
MBA in Executive Management
PhD studies in Molecular and Cell Biology
PhD candidate in Transpersonal Psychology
Certified Master Trainer Hypnotherapist
Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified in Accelerated Healing and Pain Management
Past-Life, Inter-life & Natal Regression Specialist
Certified Reiki Master & Teacher
Certified Professional Life Coach
Certified Luminous Healing & Energy Medicine Practitioner
Certified Mental Health Coach
Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach
Certified Organizational Development Coach
Certified Change Management Coach